Chinese Invention Patent No.: ZL 200680055861.3

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Title: Process for Preparation of Saffron Cream Liqueur

Patentees: Ratnesh Enterprises Pvt., Ltd

Term of Validity: November 22, 2006 --- November 21, 2026

Abstract: The process for the preparation of Saffron Cream Liqueur comprising: - preparing saffron concentrate by adding saffron 1-5 gm. in one liter of ENA (extra neutral alcohol) of 68% OP, i.e., 96% v/v, - intermittently stirring the said mixture of ENA and saffron for 18-36 hours, extracting the essential oil containing aroma, color and flavor, - filtering the said mixture of saffron and the ENA to obtain the saffron concentrate, diluting the said concentrate from 68% OP to -9-45% by adding demineralized water at room temperature, adding about 5-15% food grade white milk cream and properly mixing it, adding about 5-20% food grade sugar and mix till sugar is dissolved, - adding about 1 -5% food grade flavoring agent and mixing it thoroughly and filtering to get saffron cream liqueur.

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AFD China Intellectual Property Law Office

Tel: 010 82730790


Language: Chinese, English, Japanese

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